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Waste Refrigerator Recycling Scheme

HomeWaste Refrigerator Recycling Scheme
Time:2022-08-19 Views:257

With the increasing consumption of electrical products and the decreasing product life cycle, the output of electrical waste is gradually increasing, and the growth rate is increasing year by year. The impact of electrical waste on the environment has become a global problem, especially in China. As a country with relatively scarce resources, strengthening the recycling of electrical waste can not only ease the tension of resources, but also meet the needs of sustainable development of human society.
In some places, there are a large number of individual workshops for dismantling and disposing of waste electrical products. In order to pursue short-term benefits, they use primitive and backward methods such as open-air incineration and strong acid immersion to extract precious metals. The random discharge of waste gas, waste liquid and residue has caused sub heavy pollution to the atmosphere, soil and water, and endangered human health. Nonstandard disassembly and extraction of raw materials are the main causes of serious environmental pollution and human health damage caused by waste electrical products.

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